Vocala LTD Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

Please find all our policies listed below
1. Cookie Policy
2. Privacy Policy
3. Terms and Conditions
4. Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement
5. Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

Introduction to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
CSR refers to how businesses regulate themselves in order to ensure that all of their activities positively affect society as a whole. CSR policies aim to guarantee that companies work ethically, considering human rights as well as the social, economic and environmental impacts of what they do as a business. Businesses should meet, and aim to exceed, any relevant legislation, and if legislation does not exist in a particular area, the company should ensure they carry out best practices anyway.

Vocala Ltd are committed to ensuring that any business undertakings are conducted as ethically as possible by following the below policy.

Who we are and what we do
We are a leading voice design studio and digital agency specialising in creating interactive experiences for smart speakers and voice-enabled devices. We combine a strong background in web application development with specialist expertise in voice app technology to develop multi-platform solutions. Our mission is to continually improve customer experience by using technology and innovation that brings success to our clients and adds value to their customers. The company core values are quality, innovation, passion, responsibility, collaboration and respect.

Looking after Employees
To retain loyal and productive staff, it is vital to maintain a good working environment. The following policies and statements set out how we aim to achieve this at Vocala Ltd:-
- The Company’s equal opportunities policy and policy statement on dignity at work aims to promote equality, harmony and respect amongst individuals and to eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation of all kinds. See Appendix 1 of the Company Handbook.
- The Company’s Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement sets down our commitment to preventing slavery and human trafficking in our business activities and the steps we have put in place with the aim of ensuring that there is no slavery or human trafficking in our own business and supply chains.
- The Company has adopted a health and safety policy to ensure the health, safety and welfare of all employees. See Appendix 6 of the Company Handbook.
- All employees have equal opportunities for training and development and the company holds an annual appraisal where all employees have the opportunity to discuss their personal development.
- Our employees receive pay reviews at their annual appraisals and all employees are eligible for a company pension and gym membership.
- In addition to the above benefits, the company also holds twice yearly company updates and team building activities.
- We have a Company HR Manager, Ruth Stanbridge, who is responsible for ensuring all HR queries and issues are dealt with appropriately, more details of precisely how this works can be found in the Company Handbook.

Looking after Customers
Looking after our customers is key to everything that we do. We aim to always give them a positive and lasting impression of our business. The following statements set out how we aim to achieve this at Vocala Ltd:
- We are driven to provide the best possible service, going above and beyond using the current resources that we have to ensure all our customers are satisfied.
- We firmly believe in constantly innovating our business processes to improve the lives of our clients.
- We provide a personalised experience to all of our customers, ensuring they know us for who we are as individuals.
- Receiving feedback and opinions from our customers is very important to us and we will always act to apply good ideas in our processes.

Protecting the Environment
We are wholeheartedly committed to operating our business in an increasingly sustainable manner and to reducing the environmental impact that our business activities may have.
- We are committed to and monitor waste reduction by limiting use of resources such as paper and turning off electrical appliances where not in use and re-using and recycling where possible.
- We encourage greener transport by the following methods:
--Encourage staff to walk, cycle, car share or use public transport to get to work if possible.
-- Encourage staff to use greener fuels in their personal vehicles if possible.
-- Our company cars, where provided, are fully electric.

Community Engagement
We aim to do our bit to support local communities by the following activities:
- Sponsorship of or monetary donations to local charities and sports clubs.
- Supporting the surrounding community by employing local people.